5 Science-Backed Ways to Have a Healthier Weekend

Many times, I will read something online and immediately think, “that was great, I wish I wrote it.” I may not have written it, but I can still share it. Here’s the latest…

5 Science-Backed Ways to Have a Healthier Weekend by Brianna Steinhilber

We are just hours from the weekend, so the timing of this article is perfect. Steinhilber presents a great science-based argument for how all our hard work during the week can “be completely derailed by the short span of time between happy hour on Friday and Sunday brunch.”

Some of the most interesting points include:

  • A study from Cornell University found that people tend to weigh a little bit more on Mondays than they do on Fridays.
  • Every one hour that sleep is shifted, we increase our risk of heart disease by 11 percent.
  • Research shows that people log the least amount of exercise Friday through Sunday, while bacon, beer and French fry consumption spike.
    Research shows that people log the least amount of exercise Friday through Sunday, while bacon, beer and French fry consumption spike.

For more great insight and helpful tips, you can read the entire article here.

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